
Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Jewish Christmas Day


Hi my name is Michelle GOLDSTEIN and my mother has an even more Jewish sounding maiden name. I am 30 years old, have always celebrated Hanukah and I have never once celebrated Christmas. Christmas is not a Jewish holiday and it not an American holiday... It is a holiday where only Christians celebrate. I would think people would know this by now, just like Christians don't celebrate Hanukah.

Every year I still get strange looks and questions on WHAT do I DO during CHRISTMAS.. One is why aren't you flying home for Hanukah (well many times Hanukah doesn't fall on Christmas -- including this year) and another is you will be ALONE on Christmas. Well there are many days I spend alone and I think I will still be OK spending December 25th alone. Hey sometimes I get "adopted" for Christmas.

I LOVE Christmas actually, but on a cultural level. I love the decorations, the trees, presents and all over feeling of the holiday. Shit I even SANG "All I Want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey at our choir performance. That was my favorite performance ever -- I made the solo!

America is so accepting of other religions, but I am still so BAFFLED on the mystere around Christmas and Jews. So I would like to clear up what Jews do on December 25th...

Looks like Santa is asking as well
I mean there really is a lot of pressure to celebrate Christmas. But no fear, here are a few things Jews can do!

  • Go out for Chinese food. Many Chinese places are open, because some Chinese people are also not Christian
  • Go to the Matzah Ball! I have even co-hosted this in Tampa and boy was Blue Martini packed! This is an event either held on Christmas Eve or Christmas. Jews drink and sometimes a lot, so then we can just spend Christmas in bed
  • Go to a movie! That's always fun!! Movie theatres are open everyday.
  • Casinos are open! So many Jews travel to Vegas or Atlantic City
  • Work!
And which one will I be doing this year? I will be working. With Beachbody I always work from home anyways. To top if off, this is the season where I will soon be getting SLAMMED because thankfully -- just a WEEK after Christmas EVERY YEAR is when the New Year hits! New Years (American holiday) so I am preparing for everyone wanting to get THINNER and FIT for the new year. So what I will do is work from home, watch football and cook something at home.

I will be ok this Tuesday. Although if you do want to adopt me for a day.. that would be fun!

And with that being said -- MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL!







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