
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cindy Adams -- Hot Mom P90x Transformation

This is the AMAZING JOURNEY of one of my coaches, Cindy Adams who is a mother of a beautiful little boy! She became a coach after seeing incredible results in which she credits Beachbody products! Read below on her story! Also feel free to contact Cindy directly by clicking here

Cindy's Transformation: Why and How?

I never really worried much about my weight, I was always very tiny being 5 feet tall, and always less than 130 pounds. On February 8, 2008 I was beyond blessed with a happy, healthy 6 pound baby boy.. except I had reached over 200 pounds. Being 21 years old at the time, my thought was “whatever, it’s baby weight, it will go away.” It didn't. I hadn't even given a thought to losing the weight until the end of 2009, when my marriage ended. I was 22 at the time, and felt like I needed to start some kind of change to get my life back on track. Finding myself a single mother, living in an apartment I could barely afford, working part-time, I had no idea where in the world to start. My best friend, who is my husband now, was on this third round of P90x at this time, I had heard about it but never really looked into it. He had amazing results, but I was still apprehensive. I was exhausted, stressed, and really just totally unmotivated.

 After weeks of convincing, I borrowed his DVDs, with the intention of getting him off my back, really. That didn't work, he was still asking me “How’s it going?”, “Any results?” I lied. Told him I was doing it, I wasn't. Finally, one night after I put my son to bed, I realized I needed to stop feeling sorry about myself. I needed to make a change if I was ever going to make it on my own. Day 1: I really thought I was going to die. 2 weeks later, I was down 12 pounds. So what did I do? I stopped.
And gained it back. Started over, did almost the whole 90 days this time around, and lost 50 pounds. I was so excited. Then my husband and I started dating, I put it off, we went out to eat almost every night. I was at 147, I was happy, and close enough to my goal weight that I was satisfied. Until I went back up to 160.

This time I ordered Hip Hop Abs, because I was burnt out on p90x and joined the gym, and got down to 140, 8 pounds away from my goal! Summer came, we went on a vacation to Jamaica, got married, went to the Dominican for our honeymoon, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and holy crap.. 25 pounds gained. In 5 months.

So, I returned to the gym.. December.. January.. February.. nothing, not one pound lost. I had forgotten about my Hip Hop Abs DVD until I was going back over how I got down to 140 the last time. I pulled it out and stared at it for about 20 minutes. I wanted to do it right this time, better actually. I looked around instagram at people’s transformations, even though I already knew it worked. I found Michelle on Instagram, and started following her. At first I was just watching and looking at all the posts about Shakeology, and the transformations. I was amazed at how she was helping people, and reaching out to them. This is something I wanted to do for so long, I myself had such a hard time reaching my goals, and I knew I wasn't alone. I wanted to help, If I could just reach one person and change their lives, my struggle would be worth it. I wanted to make it easier. I became a coach. I started doing a challenge, everything was so much easier. I started drinking shakeology, I felt a thousand times better. I’m working harder than I ever have to make myself better, and that is reflecting in all areas of my life.

 I learned at the beginning of the week that I have PCOS, Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and that is why my weight has been so out of control the last few years. Instead of giving up, this is making me work harder for my goals. I may not be able to lose as easy as everyone else, but I am still losing, and getting healthier every day.

I want to show people they can reach their goals, regardless of what life throws at you. You can be successful, hard work equals results. I’ve heard that numerous times, but now I know it’s true. If you want it, work for it. I am ½ inch away from reaching my first goal. I gave up on the pounds, that is just a number, that doesn’t define me. Now I’m looking for the changes in my body, that’s more realistic to me, that’s what I had a problem with. Today, I am down 60 pounds from the day in 2010 that I started, I am happier, more positive than I have ever been, and certainly stronger. 3 years ago I would have told you, you were a liar if you told me I’d be where I am today, and I never would have gotten here without Beachbody. I would love to help you out as well! Just contact me here!

APRIL 17th, 2013. Down 12 pounds in 44 days & 5 in on stomach!

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