
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Casting Call for my Next Beachbody Challenge!

** ADD ME ON for more info on this challenge **

I was THAT girl! I was THAT girl who ALWAYS made an EXCUSE. It was just my way of thinking in the past.

The AWESOME THING about the NEW YEAR is that this IS the TIME to MAKE a POSITIVE CHANGE for YOU! We just finished the GIVING TO OTHERS SEASON, now it's TIME to GIVE to YOU!

One. Word. -----> COMMIT! Just FREAKING COMMIT! Don't go in a GOAL HALF A$$ED. You want to lose weight. I get it. But YOU CAN'T COMPLAIN about it, if you DON'T want to WORK for it!

The POWER of your MIND is UP to YOU. YOU can CHANGE if YOU want to REALLY CHANGE. The ONLY PERSON who is stopping YOU is YOURSELF. NO coincidence I keep capitalizing the word YOU.

Currently if you LACK the MOTIVATION and DRIVE, you WILL be in the SAME PLACE in 6 months from now... I mean, NO ONE can LOSE the WEIGHT on YOUR BODY but (guess the word) YOU! But what I CAN do is meet YOU HALFWAY!

I WILL not only give YOU my SUPPORT, but there WILL be LADIES in your SAME SHOES that will SUPPORT and CHEER you on --- even when it gets hard. We ALL have SETBACKS. But GIVING UP is not an option.

I will help CONSTRUCT a MEAL PLAN that best suits your NEEDS. You have the ability to PRESS PLAY on YOUR DVD PLAYER in the COMFORT of your OWN HOME --- I don't CARE how much you press PAUSE, you CAN DO THIS no matter your FITNESS LEVEL. You CAN replace one MEAL with SHAKEOLOGY. It will be one less meal to make and your BODY will THANK your the VITAMINS..

Yeah you might have to work your A$$ off, but in the process the pounds will fall off that A$$ and ALL OVER YOUR BODY! You will get in RETURN, more ENERGY and rockin' that BIKINI BODY BY SPRING!

All I ask is for ONE thing right now... COMMIT...

COMMIT to my Jan 20th - Hot in a Half an Hour Challenge and give me 25 - 30 MINUTES of your TIME a FEW DAYS A WEEK and I will PROMISE you I will get you to YOUR GOALS!!

Message me today for the FINAL 2 SPOTS!! It's just a WEEK AWAY!

I am EXCITED to HEAR from you. 

** ADD ME ON for more info on this challenge **

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