
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Live Your OWN Dream!

Yes, I like to TRAVEL. I get the QUESTION allllll the time, "How do YOU get to TRAVEL so much?"

Simple, I chose the path early on to MOLD my future. I took the SMALLEST "JOBS" and took them VERY SERIOUSLY! Let me explain.

Back when I graduated college, I started my AMAZING CAREER working with International Plaza's Management Office in Marketing. This was AFTER my Internship with the TB Buccaneers. I made $0 with the Bucs, for it was college credit. I worked a full 9-5. If it was GAMEDAY -- I worked 11 hours on a SUNDAY. I learned how to manage my money that my dad would give me to survive (when I was making ZERO with the Bucs). Now onto my first career.. After TAXES I made about $500 a week. That's not a ton to live on either, when your rent is $950 to live in a safe apartment across the street.

So I would work OVERTIME when I could (I was actually considered hourly) AND I got ANOTHER job! I learned early on, to do my BEST to have a "SAFETY NET aka SAVE MONEY." I really wanted to be able to DO FUN THINGS and SHOP here and there.

I answered some little ad exclusively to CRUZAN RUM. I was 22 and WOW $25 an HOUR to hold a TRAY of SAMPLE SHOTS. And to PICK my SHIFTS. Ummmm, ok! BUT I didn't TREAT it like JUST a JOB of SAMPLING SHOTS... I wanted to be the LEADER and be the BOSS taking girls to these promos. So I made sure to be the BEST PROMO MODEL EVER. Always looking on point and knowing EVERYTHING about the PRODUCT! And did it PAY OFF!!

Little did I know that getting chosen from that one AD, CHANGED EVERYTHING! I started with a few REALLY GOOD promo companies. I didn't really have that many friends, so I met a whole bunch of DYNAMIC LADIES and now I was sometimes making $500 in a WEEKEND! But I didn't blow it, I SAVED it ---- THOUGH when I wanted something I BOUGHT it. So I worked ALOT.

After I ended at the Mall Office, I was Marlboro's Market Manager, the Market Manager for Coca Cola's "Healthier" Portfolio - Vitaminwater/Fuze/Smartwater/etc and so many other promos ---- just for answering ONE ad to SERVE SAMPLE SHOTS.

I figured, well if it's JUST me --- I have GOT to make this THEEE BEST life EVER. I had NO clue what would happen in my future. Unexpected bills happen ALL the time in LIFE!

So those who know me, know I do what it takes!



I thought well damn, this person I bring on has to SUCCEED or I won't? I looked at it ALL WRONG, since I have never had a job where ESSENTIALLY I CALL THE SHOTS.

The Easy Part: The products (Shakeology, BB's at home workouts) REALLY work. Also, discounts on the products rock.

The Hard Part: Realizing I can MAKE my OWN DREAMS come TRUE. I know that does sound like blah blah, own dreams whatever. But REALLY I told myself from the BEGINNING.. I am gonna TREAT this like a 50 hour a week job, but really I worked a LOT LESS and still do not work 50 hours with this job.

I made a PLAN. I would only "hire" coaches that were MOTIVATED, POSITIVE and WOULD have FUN with this. I put "hire" in parenthesis, cause NOPE I am not THEIR BOSS in any means, but at the same time -- if they come in with a shitty attitude, I really don't want them on MY TEAM. I wanted QUALITY vs QUANTITY but I can tell you I spent NO time messing around.

A job is a job regardless if you have a BOSS. A job is a job when you KNOW you can MAKE MONEY and with Beachbody it IS LIMITLESS.

At my RANKING, I can actually make up to 4k in bonuses a WEEK and UNLIMITED INCOME! Not to shabby?!??! I ALWAYS saw the BIGGER PICTURE.

So getting back on TRAVELING and SPLURGING on things here and there. I CHOSE that LIFE! Since I was young... I LEARNED the LESSON of the VALUE of MONEY...

Don't live your life being stressed EVERYDAY about FINANCES.

Something like BEACHBODY, might be YOUR SAVING GRACE. I know it was mine for I could only do promo work for so long before it gets repetitive. And yup, on someone ELSE's time schedule.

Cool part also about traveling, it actually helps out my business. I interact with new people and see familiar faces all the time.

So I DARE you to spend a FEW MINUTES thinking DO YOU WANT TO LIVE SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM or YOURS?!??! And make some healthy changes. 

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