
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Got to LOVE Black Friday!! My favorite shopping day! And of course I have tons of Beachbody specials to share with you! And get this.. if you order Friday, you'll get these products just in time to have a MONTH to get fit, fabulous and sexy for that New Years Eve dress that got a little tight after Thanksgiving! I will be there to help you get to these goals. It's now time to make a change! No excuses!

If you ask me my opinion on the best product BELOW - it will for SURE be TURBOFIRE!! That is the program I got super fit with including Shakeology! So with this special -- you can do the TurboFire plus Shakeology seperately and it will be cheaper than the Challenge Pack! Sweet deals all around!


TurboFire - $53.00

Hip Hop Abs - $24.95

Power 90 - $44.90

Body Gospel - $24.95

With everyone who purchases one of these offers, I will be hosting a 90 Day Holiday Challenge!!



Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Trimmings!

Ahhh the holiday all Americans celebrate! Can you believe it's already THIS THURSDAY? I cannot WAIT to go home to Houston. I have put together some tips that I will definitely be following. I have to attend TWO Thanksgiving meals to top it off!

Make sure to eat a well balanced breakfast and lunch. We will overeat when we are starving! I will be drinking my Shakeology for a late breakfast and a light lunch over at my mom's house first!
Now how on Earth are you supposed to do this right?!?! Follow how you make you plate on every other meal! Portion control! Fill half your plate with veggies, 1/4 lean mean which will of course be turkey and the other 1/4 with a starch. Try to pick the greenest veggies and the starch not full of cheese and other stuff you can't name. Many Thanksgiving chefs will have vegetable sides, sweet potatoes and other healthy options! Roast vegetables by sparkling a little olive oil and your favorite spices. Bring your own to share -- for it's Thanksgiving! Sharing is caring!
I know it's tempting, so if you really want to splurge... just a small handful or the size of your palm. That's it, no more. You got your taste. Limit anything full of cheese, butter and cream! I know I know it's good -- but it's not good for a sexy, slim tummy. You're working TOO hard to pudge that tummy out OR you're on your way to starting a healthy lifestyle -- don't ruin it.
In the South, I know that football and alcohol go hand in hand! Limit this to just a couple if you have to! I know it's a time for celebration. I am not going to tell you to not have a drink or two.. But make sure you drink tons of water to keep yourself hydrated. I can't wait to watch the Texans play! We're playing Thanksgiving Day!
And don't worry.. I am hosting a 90 Day Turkey Trim Down Challenge. I still have a couple spots open, so no better time to start then the Monday after Thanksgiving! Sign up for a free profile on Team Beachbody so I can be your personal coach and like always you can contact me below or my email.


Michelle Naomi

Sex and the Brunch

Name one person who doesn't like brunch? Not too many.. but of course the ones that love it the most are us LADIES! Any brunch spot you go to, you see groups of ladies -- birthday celebrations, baby showers, a weekly get together like Sex and The City (above), or a special occasion! Every year when I visit Houston for Thanksgiving we ALWAYS have an Annual Sunday Brunch! Remember that year the Texans and Titans had a huge fight on the field? Yeah we were there screaming!

So what excites us ladies so much about brunch? We get to eat some good breakfast food, but in the afternoon. This isn't an excuse to overeat though! You can do this healthy. Come on we still gotta look cute in our brunch clothes! My favorite thing to order is an egg white omelette with spinach and mushrooms. I don't need the cheese -- a little salsa or Tabasco does the trick. A side of fruit in the the place of hash browns -- plus that makes the plate look pretty! Also there is always mimosas. I now limit myself to one or two -- that's enough for me! The more I drink, the harder and longer the workout must be! But yes, I like a mimosa here and there -- although the ladies will be having a Shakeology drink as well! Thank goodness for the sample packets!

Of course gossip is bound to happen! Trust me I have been waiting ALL year to hear about your stories ladies! I can imagine Kristen will be telling me about her new house with her middle school sweetheart who we all know -- plus she's a nurse so there's always an interesting story from work. My other best friend Jen who always has a crazy story about a past date (my single partner in crime) and my sister who is an opposite from me but has grown to be an amazing woman who makes me smile. We're the table that stays two hours and laughs til the point where I hope I am not sipping my drink cause it will end up in my nose.

And yes we're all dressed in super sassy Brunch Attire. I capitalized it because I believe it's its own category. Just as in Sex and The City, we believe we are being filmed --  but really the stories we have are ones I swear you only hear in the movies!

Time to film the next scene. Hope everyone has a great Sunday. If it's not brunch... do something you enjoy with your friends and family! Go to a theme park, play in the snow or sand, watch football, workout -- whatever makes you happy :)

Sunday Funday is my favorite day! I'll leave you with that picture -- my Emerald Coach Tiffany Long and me in Vegas -- way before we discovered Beachbody!


Michelle Naomi

Friday, November 16, 2012


                                                         Slim in 6 Only $39.90 here!

Reshape your body in just 6 weeks with Slim in 6®. Thousands of people have lost up to 25 pounds in 6 weeks with this breakthrough system—and you can too.

Slim in 6 will reshape your body in 6 short weeks. The secret is Debbie Siebers' exclusive Slim Training® technique, which combines fat-burning cardio with light resistance moves to help you slim and sculpt your body without bulking up. You'll shrink your midsection and get slim, sexy thighs, hips, and arms.

Order now and get Debbie's 6-Day Express™ Diet Plan to help you lose up to 6 pounds and 6 inches in your first 6 days—guaranteed!

3 workouts for amazing body-slimming results

  • Start It Up!
Introduces you to the basic Slim Training moves for burning calories and reshaping your body. (25 min.)

  • Ramp It Up!
Helps you burn more calories each day to accelerate your results. (48 min.)

  • Burn It Up!
Takes slimming and toning to the next level to complete your body reshaping. (60 min.)

Tools for tracking your progress

  • Simple Steps to Success!
This guidebook helps you get the most out of your program for your best results.

  • Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide
Helps you make the right food choices so you lose weight faster.

  • Motivational calendar
Lets you chart your progress.

  • Tape measure
Watch the inches melt away!

  • Free online access
Get diet and fitness tips and amazing peer support.

Plus 2 Bonus Workouts

  • Slim & 6-Pack
Advanced abs routine for flat, sexy abs. (11 min.)

  • Slim & Limber
Flexibility routine to revitalize you on your days off. (14 min.)

Plus 3 FREE gifts

  • 6-Day Express Diet Plan
Helps you lose up to 6 pounds and 6 inches in your first 6 days. Also includes a handy measurement card.

  • Cardio Core! Express.
New moves to burn fat while tightening and strengthening your core. (35 min.)

  • Slim Training Band
Burn fat and tone muscle even faster.

Exclusive Team Beachbody Free Gift!
Order Slim in 6 from Team Beachbody and you'll receive Debbie's challenging "Keep It Up" workout. She'll keep you moving with squats, plyometrics, kickboxing, resistance bands and much more. A $19.95 value, it's yours FREE with your Team Beachbody Slim in 6 purchase.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marysol's Mom

The other day on my Facebook page, I posted a picture of "Marysol's Mom" who is a reality star on Real Housewives of Miami and asked what your initial thoughts are on this woman. The majority of people who responded had opinions on her solely to her looks that she has had major plastic surgery and to them it is scary. Then I had one person say - "I would love to have a glass of wine with her." ONE person out of all the others was looking at the inner person. Unfortunately, this -- New York Times article reminds me of the way overweight people are treated in society -- how they are judged on their looks, not their brains and inner beauty.

Reading the NY Times article is heartbreaking! To see children, teenagers and adults being taunted and discriminated against solely because society deems them lazy and stupid. It's time to stop this behavior, but unfortunately there are people that can be down right mean. EVERYONE has had or currently has fell victim to these bullies. It hurts!! But more importantly your health is at horrible risk for being overweight or obese.

This can change! One person to one household at a time! It's time to clear your kitchen from toxic food and replace them with foods that fuel your body with energy. Whether it's "just" a 15 minute walk outside -- it's more than doing ZERO! This is how I approached starting my Beachbody Challenge with TurboFire and Shakeology. Sometimes I had to pause the workout -- but it was more than I was doing before! That is an accomplishment that lead to many more goals and new goal setting once I reached the other goals! As for the foods I put in my body they consist of tons of veggies and lean proteins that don't break the bank! The Shakeology is used for breakfast so that takes care of one meal. It's easy little steps at a time then gradually you build up at your pace!

Society might not change their views anytime soon on weight, but at least you can change your lifestyle at any time. Be that role model for your child, your spouse, your friend and even a stranger! But most importantly DO THIS FOR YOU! You deserve it just as much as the person next to you. I can help guide you in your goals and be your support in reaching those goals! Click here on the top so I can coach you for FREE today. Let's make this a successful 2013 year!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Star Diamond Baby!

WOW! What a CRAZY last 30 days has been! I promise soon I will start posting some fun stuff on here, but I had to share this! I am one HAPPY 30 YEAR OLD right now!

About three months ago, just a week into my personal 90 Day Challenge... I decided to fill out a form to Become a Beachbody Coach. I don't even believe I told my coach when I was actually going to go through with it. I mean no coaching fee and a nice discount on products that are working to get a sexy, flat tummy -- why not? Just 2 weeks into my Challenge I had more energy and a positive attitude in the way I have never had. I took a couple candid pics.. Yup I do them in bikinis. I live where we can wear them, everyday! I saw CHANGES! I said, "Ok.. Well why can't my friends benefit from this as well?" Who doesn't want to have a happier mindset and get more fit?!" So I dropped off the radar and learned everything I could about the business aspect of Team Beachbody. It's MY BUSINESS that I OWN! I must know EVERYTHING -- for myself and my potential coaches and challengers. For one, my JOB is to be a ROLE MODEL and to INSPIRE OTHERS that deserve to be the BEST! How REWARDING is that? My CAREER and SUCCESS is based off of OTHERS SUCCEEDING! How AWESOME is it to hear that my challenge signed up for her first MARATHON or those dreaded SKINNY JEANS actually now FIT! Get those babies out of the back of your closet! This business isn't about making ONE commission.. It's about CHANGING JUST ONE LIFE!! Take THAT and multiply it OVER AND OVER!

I mean I guess I could go back to a DIET DOCTOR.. Oh the JOYS of a QUICK FIX. But it's a LOT of MONEY and you can't stay on these pills forever... (your body gets used to them and you get immune -- TRUST ME). The weight WILL come back. You're not learning proper nutrition (you're barely eating!), plus you're not in a steady workout regime because you're too weak! Yes the Beachbody program has costs, but look at that it is an INVESTMENT in your HEALTH and you CAN LIVE with this program EVERYDAY! Frustration, tears and sweat lead to INCHES LOST, HIGHER ENERGY and most IMPORTANT better health!

STOP MAKING EXCUSES!! Start asking -- WHY NOT ME? Change YOUR LIFE and strive to inspire just ONE other person! WHAT is more REWARDING that THAT?

2013 is around the corner, BUT it AIN'T here YET!! Make these health changes before the NEW YEAR! And if  you want some part time INCOME and to OWN your BUSINESS.. it's REALLY that time to start! I am SO proud of my team of coaches as well as my challengers in how FAR they have already came!!! I can't WAIT to add new coaches to my team as well as challengers to my next challenge group which starts Nov 26th. I am so nice. I am letting your "last feast" AFTER Thanksgiving! I can't wait to help everyone to their own personal goals!

I have met SO many new people because of Beachbody. I can't be any happier and excited for 2013! Thank you to EVERYONE who believes in me and continues to push me to the limit!


Michelle Naomi

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Introducing Michelle Naomi!

Well here it is! This is ME! My name is Michelle Naomi Goldstein. I currently live in San Diego, but I will always carry my Southern Texas charm! I just turned the Dirty 30! Not sure if or how someone "looks" 30, but I can tell you.. I am doing everything I can to stay lookin' 25! I've tried numerous beauty products, diets - from traditional to outright CRAZY! I am going to tell you my personal opinion on what rocks to what outright blows! I am not getting paid or will accept money for any endorsements, but I do want to be straight up and let you know that I am an Independent Beachbody Coach! Thanks for coming to my blog! Make sure you subscribe to my update. No telling what I will post next!