
Friday, November 9, 2012

Star Diamond Baby!

WOW! What a CRAZY last 30 days has been! I promise soon I will start posting some fun stuff on here, but I had to share this! I am one HAPPY 30 YEAR OLD right now!

About three months ago, just a week into my personal 90 Day Challenge... I decided to fill out a form to Become a Beachbody Coach. I don't even believe I told my coach when I was actually going to go through with it. I mean no coaching fee and a nice discount on products that are working to get a sexy, flat tummy -- why not? Just 2 weeks into my Challenge I had more energy and a positive attitude in the way I have never had. I took a couple candid pics.. Yup I do them in bikinis. I live where we can wear them, everyday! I saw CHANGES! I said, "Ok.. Well why can't my friends benefit from this as well?" Who doesn't want to have a happier mindset and get more fit?!" So I dropped off the radar and learned everything I could about the business aspect of Team Beachbody. It's MY BUSINESS that I OWN! I must know EVERYTHING -- for myself and my potential coaches and challengers. For one, my JOB is to be a ROLE MODEL and to INSPIRE OTHERS that deserve to be the BEST! How REWARDING is that? My CAREER and SUCCESS is based off of OTHERS SUCCEEDING! How AWESOME is it to hear that my challenge signed up for her first MARATHON or those dreaded SKINNY JEANS actually now FIT! Get those babies out of the back of your closet! This business isn't about making ONE commission.. It's about CHANGING JUST ONE LIFE!! Take THAT and multiply it OVER AND OVER!

I mean I guess I could go back to a DIET DOCTOR.. Oh the JOYS of a QUICK FIX. But it's a LOT of MONEY and you can't stay on these pills forever... (your body gets used to them and you get immune -- TRUST ME). The weight WILL come back. You're not learning proper nutrition (you're barely eating!), plus you're not in a steady workout regime because you're too weak! Yes the Beachbody program has costs, but look at that it is an INVESTMENT in your HEALTH and you CAN LIVE with this program EVERYDAY! Frustration, tears and sweat lead to INCHES LOST, HIGHER ENERGY and most IMPORTANT better health!

STOP MAKING EXCUSES!! Start asking -- WHY NOT ME? Change YOUR LIFE and strive to inspire just ONE other person! WHAT is more REWARDING that THAT?

2013 is around the corner, BUT it AIN'T here YET!! Make these health changes before the NEW YEAR! And if  you want some part time INCOME and to OWN your BUSINESS.. it's REALLY that time to start! I am SO proud of my team of coaches as well as my challengers in how FAR they have already came!!! I can't WAIT to add new coaches to my team as well as challengers to my next challenge group which starts Nov 26th. I am so nice. I am letting your "last feast" AFTER Thanksgiving! I can't wait to help everyone to their own personal goals!

I have met SO many new people because of Beachbody. I can't be any happier and excited for 2013! Thank you to EVERYONE who believes in me and continues to push me to the limit!


Michelle Naomi

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