
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marysol's Mom

The other day on my Facebook page, I posted a picture of "Marysol's Mom" who is a reality star on Real Housewives of Miami and asked what your initial thoughts are on this woman. The majority of people who responded had opinions on her solely to her looks that she has had major plastic surgery and to them it is scary. Then I had one person say - "I would love to have a glass of wine with her." ONE person out of all the others was looking at the inner person. Unfortunately, this -- New York Times article reminds me of the way overweight people are treated in society -- how they are judged on their looks, not their brains and inner beauty.

Reading the NY Times article is heartbreaking! To see children, teenagers and adults being taunted and discriminated against solely because society deems them lazy and stupid. It's time to stop this behavior, but unfortunately there are people that can be down right mean. EVERYONE has had or currently has fell victim to these bullies. It hurts!! But more importantly your health is at horrible risk for being overweight or obese.

This can change! One person to one household at a time! It's time to clear your kitchen from toxic food and replace them with foods that fuel your body with energy. Whether it's "just" a 15 minute walk outside -- it's more than doing ZERO! This is how I approached starting my Beachbody Challenge with TurboFire and Shakeology. Sometimes I had to pause the workout -- but it was more than I was doing before! That is an accomplishment that lead to many more goals and new goal setting once I reached the other goals! As for the foods I put in my body they consist of tons of veggies and lean proteins that don't break the bank! The Shakeology is used for breakfast so that takes care of one meal. It's easy little steps at a time then gradually you build up at your pace!

Society might not change their views anytime soon on weight, but at least you can change your lifestyle at any time. Be that role model for your child, your spouse, your friend and even a stranger! But most importantly DO THIS FOR YOU! You deserve it just as much as the person next to you. I can help guide you in your goals and be your support in reaching those goals! Click here on the top so I can coach you for FREE today. Let's make this a successful 2013 year!

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